Art Brut

Art Brut

Оригинальный текст и слова песни Direct Hit:
You went out in a rush
And can't tell if it shows
She's looking over a lot
And he's still in his work clothes

You can't talk to members of...
Оригинальный текст и слова песни Mysterious Bruises:
I've had one Zirtec, two Advil
With the drink that made me feel invincible

I don't know how I managed to do this
But I woke up this...
Оригинальный текст и слова песни Moving to L.A.:
There's not much glamour 'bout the English weather
There's nothing left keeping us together
Sunshine on a rainy day
Makes me want to move...
Оригинальный текст и слова песни Formed A Band:
Formed a band
We formed a band
Look at us
We formed a band
Honey pie, I don't know when it started
Just stop buying your albums from...
Оригинальный текст и слова песни Summer Job:
Double shifts and early starts
I spent the morning hiding in the carpark
Oh yeah, I'm so laissez-faire
Sometimes I'm not even there
If you want...


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