

Оригинальный текст и слова песни motive:
Её стимул деньги
Без них она мертва мертва
Только дай почуять запах
И она сойдет с ума сойдет с ума сойдет с ума

зачем ты лезешь в это...
Оригинальный текст и слова песни From Side To Side:
so close to this unsafe bridge
is where this little lady lives
no matter how much time she gives
she'll never be on this side

Оригинальный текст и слова песни A Sullen Sky:
I've got myself all wrapped together
the only way I know how
not too tight a little loose
the only way I know how
so let the sky fall in my...
Оригинальный текст и слова песни Forever Filthy:
I could be forgiven for thinking
no more than just thinking
that the greyness is closing in
that the greyness is closing in now
I could...
Оригинальный текст и слова песни As It Happens:
The wrong people go with jealousy and joy
And I will need to seek and destroy
To take from my hide my stars to take
And jealous of riches,...
Оригинальный текст и слова песни Mising the Kick:
I think i'll have to take you and shake you
To try and open those piss-hole eyes
To the laughter which you're missing
Your way of bringing...


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