Оригинальный текст и слова песни Reflection:
touch your pimps
down in the water
can I?
sleeps mermaid
yeah i'm in.
yeah i'm here
olive eyes and
take your pants
i'm hanging on you...
Оригинальный текст и слова песни Joytoy:
noone feeds my cannibal animal
when i'm gone
it afraids of being alone all the time
it carries out with my mind
I've surrounded it with birds that...
Оригинальный текст и слова песни Five Samples:
What gives you a feeling that you're not the only one, when you're all alone
You need a dealer, a free air, or maybe it's just a kiss
Оригинальный текст и слова песни Теплая песня:
Устали сны, и стрелки уснули,
Застряли дни, и ночи не пройти,
Молчало всё, и реки застыли,
Но подо льдом они всегда текли.
В них память,...
Оригинальный текст и слова песни Warm Song:
Sometimes I think that there is no love and
There's only pain
With moments of relief
Like your warm
Hand in my pocket
That gives me opportunity...
Оригинальный текст и слова песни Lighter:
Don't waste youe time
Cause hope is blind.
You're trapped inside a liner
That cAN only move
but further from
Place where you began
You'll never...