Оригинальный текст и слова песни Not Today:

There’s so many chances that I’ve lost forever
And none of them now I would like to remember
So lucky I am when I succeed to obtain
Their burned down pathetic remains

Passing by
Haven’t ever entered
That is all
There, behind the door right on your way
But not today

No time to act, we’ll keep talking and talking ‘bout something that cannot be done
No time to run we’ll keep walking and walking the the road that has never been found
There’s so many chances that you’ll loose forever
And none of them then you would like to remember
This story is lacking the chapters rejected
Go find a reason to accept it

Passing by
Haven’t ever entered
That is all
Soon to be presented on your way
But not today
There’ll be a day
When I’m strong and ready
Come again
Later on and that will be ok
But not today

You won’t gain too much regretting the past
You’ll have much more if you miss the present

The fear inside is scratching and shackling you
The odds are barrier you can’t get through
You probably should give it up and submit
If you were not living proof of the opposite

The greatest biochemical miracle
You endlessly keep praising impossible
Tomorrow may be my day, now it’s enough
That phrase is pretty good for your epitaph

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